

自從蘋果發表V2.0版的iPhone以來,整個世界都為iPhone瘋狂。雖然GPS和3G是一個很大的吸引,但是全新蘋果商店內多樣的應用軟體已經成 為了真正的招牌。其中有一個軟體引起了我們的注意,這是由BunsenTech推出的全新汽車性能測量儀,稱為Dynolicious。它使用 iPhone內建的加速計來讓你記錄百公里加速時間,行駛速度,側向加速度,馬力等訊息。測量的結果可以以圖表和速度表的形式實時的顯示在iPhone的 螢幕上。

你還可以在測量前輸入你的車輛訊息(如重量),在測試後建立歷史檔案。有了這個後你不需要在其他任何地方插入你的iPhone, 而只要將它放入杯托,然後開車就行了。Dynolicious的創作人員表示這個軟體記錄的0-60mph時間誤差在0.08秒之內,而1/4英里車速的 誤差在1.5mph之內。這個軟體還可以和iPod Touch相容。 現在這個Dynolicious軟體可以在(on iTunes)上以12.99美元的價格購買。目前為止,有11位用戶給這個軟體評了分,滿分5分的標準下它得到了4分。

3 則留言:

Nick@Yeung 說...

How would you change Apple's iPhone 3G?
It has technically been available for three weeks today (and a few hours in the US, but who's counting?), although we're confident quite a few of you are still waiting to actually hold your very own iPhone 3G. Still, those that have braved the excruciatingly long lines and got lucky with AT&T's apparently random Direct Fulfillment approach surely have something to say. We've already confirmed that firmware 2.0 has some serious issues that need dealt with, and aside from elaborating on those, what else would you have done differently with Apple's second handset? Would you have changed the overall design more dramatically? Finally included a user-removable battery? Used a casing material that wouldn't crack for no good reason under pressure? There's still time for your input to be heard before firmware 2.1 arrives (ahem, Apple?)

Nick@Yeung 說...

AT&T iPhone exclusivity extended to 2010?

Apple's deal with AT&T obviously got re-done in order to get the iPhone 3G on the street for a subsidized $199, but it looks like Steve gave in on a little more than revenue-sharing when he re-upped with Ma Bell: USA Today says that AT&T's US exclusive on the iPhone has been extended for an additional year, until 2010. The extension isn't officially announced, but it's being cited in the context of a long interview with AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, who's quoted as saying things like "The iPhone has repositioned AT&T as the premier wireless brand in the world." So yeah, dude's a fan -- and with iPhone customers spending almost double on rate plans than the average AT&T customer, it's not hard to see why. Looks like our dream of glorious data plan price wars will have to wait until Android makes a splash later this year.

Nick@Yeung 說...

iPhone 3G的省電竅門




iPhone 3G的電池不可替換。這是不是說﹐當電池壽命耗盡無法再充電時﹐我就必須更換整部手機﹖


從來沒有提到iPod Touch﹐我常常用它收發郵件、聽音樂和上網。我想知道﹐iPod Touch能不能升級到新的2.0版iPhone操作系統﹐能不能使用新的第三方軟件﹖

答﹕可以﹐不過有一些限制。首先﹐雖然第一代iPhone用戶可以免費升級軟件﹐但iPod Touch用戶需要花10美元才能進行升級。這需要看蘋果公司對新添功能適用於不同產品的具體規定。

其次﹐儘管App store裡面的大多數新iPhone軟件都可以在Touch上正常運行﹐但由於兩款設備的硬件差別﹐有些軟件無法用於Touch。比如說﹐錄音軟件就無法在Touch上運行﹐因為後者沒有麥克風。App store會標明哪些軟件兼容哪款設備。

問﹕新的iPhone 3G內置了GPS晶片和揚聲器﹐那它可以用作車載導航的語音裝置嗎﹖
